Monday, November 17, 2014

[Pronuciation] Short I, B and P Sounds

1. SHORT I - AHD Symbol /i(/
Common Spellings: i, y (always followed by a consonant in a stressed syllable)

is / it / in / wrist / kiss / fit

sip / swim / dim /gym / fix / hid

kid / pin / lip / lick / slip / wish

Dick / pick / sick / tip / list / Rick

history / continue / Mickey / resist / exit / Nicholas

consist / exist / trick / fish / switch /busy

triple / been

1. Do you wish to exit the theater?

2. I tried to slip this bracelet over my wrist, but it doesn't fit.

3. I wish to be picked up at six.

4. The list is hidden in a closet.

5. I've been busy.

Lesson 1: He Bit the Pit
Focus: Words in the -it family

This is a peach.
It has a pit.
The man bit the peach.
He bit the pit.
He spit out the pit.

This is a boy.
He likes to hit.
He hit the girl.
Now he has to sit.
He got mad and had a fit.
He does not like to sit.

Lesson 2: The Big Pig
Focus: Word in the -ig family

This is a pig.
It is a big pig.
The big pig can dig.
This is a wig.
The big pig has a wig.

Is the pig big?
Yes, the pig is big.
Can the big pig dig?
Yes, the big pig can dig.
Does the pig have a wig?
Yes, the pig has a wig.

Lesson 3: The Thin Pin Can Spin
Focus: Word in the -in family

This is a pin.
The pin is thin.
What can the pin do?
The pin can spin.

I like to win.
My fast car has fins.
The fins are made of tin.
I win in my car with tin fins.

The pin and the fins are made of tin.
The pin is thin. The fins are not thin.
The pin spins. The fins win.

Lesson 4: Kick the Brick
Focus: Word in the -ick family

This is a brick.
The brick is thick.
The girl can kick the thick brick.

This is a stick.
The stick is not thick.
The boy can pick the stick.
He picks a thin stick.
He does a trick with the stick.

The baby licks the stick.
The baby can get sick.
Quick! Take the stick.
Take the stick so the baby is not sick.

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