Saturday, January 7, 2017

Improving English communication effectively and rapidly

Comunication is transfering messages. Understanding is the key. Confidence and Reaction support the key.

Tip #1: Minimize words ad maximize emotion

- Use the common words
- Avoid "dead" moment
- Maximize body language and emotion

Tip #2: Active and positive response

- Active response: clarify question or confusing
- Positive response: positive words, fun and follow-up

Tip #3: Not the truth, but the fact

- Talk what people like or will like
- General topic with open-ended answer
- Not "I", but "We"
- Always "YES" or "NO-YES"

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dialog 105 - Favorite Instrument

Hey Billy, what’s your favorite instrument?
Này Billy, nhạc cụ yêu thích của cậu là gì?

I dig guitars. I can really make one sing! What about you?
Tớ thích đàn ghi-ta. Tớ có thể thực sự khiến người ta muốn hát! Cậu thì sao?

I prefer guitars, too. I’m thinking about taking up the violin, though.
Tớ cũng thích đàn ghi-ta. Mặc dù vậy, tớ đang nghĩ đến việc học đàn vi-ô-lông.

The violin? You can’t rock out with a violin!
Vi-ô-lông ư? Cậu không thể vui thích với một cây vi-ô-lông được!

Yes, you can! Haven’t you heard Charlie Daniels?
Có chứ, cậu có thể! Cậu chưa nghe Charlie Daniels hả?

He plays a fiddle!
Ông ấy chơi đàn vĩ cầm!

A violin is a fiddle, dumbass! It’s just an American name for the same instrument.
Vi-ô-lông là vĩ cầm đó, ngốc ạ! Đó chỉ là một cái tên bằng tiếng Mỹ cho cùng một loại nhạc cụ.

You’re the dumbass, not me. Have you bought a fiddle yet?
Cậu mới ngốc, không phải tớ. Cậu mua vĩ cầm chưa?

No and I prefer to call it a violin. It sounds more professional.
Chưa và tớ thích gọi nó là vi-ô-lông hơn. Nghe chuyên nghiệp hơn.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hội thoại - Bài 102

Hello, how can I help you?
Xin chào, tôi có thể giúp gì cho ông?

Yes, I saw an ad online. That says you sell Wii’s for $80.
Vâng, tôi đã xem một quảng cáo trực tuyến. Có nói là anh bán máy Wii với giá 80 đô.

Yes, that is correct. It is a current special we are running.
Vâng, đúng vậy. Đó là một chương trình đặc biệt hiện nay của chúng tôi.

Ok, what about extra controllers?
Được rồi, vậy còn thêm cho bộ điều khiển thì sao?

Well, the $80 price is just for the console, any extra parts or accessories would make the final price a bit more.
Vâng, giá 80 đô chỉ là cho giao diện điều khiển, thêm bất kỳ bộ phận hoặc phụ kiện nào cũng sẽ khiến tăng tổng giá lên nhiều hơn một chút.

A Wii without a controller?
Máy Wii không có máy điều khiển thì sao?

Well, it is about $80, and if you want a controller, each one will be $20 extra.
Vâng, nó khoảng 80 đô, còn nếu ông muốn thêm một máy điều khiển thì mỗi cái thêm 20 đô.

So if I wanted a Wii and 2 controllers, it would be $120 total?
Vậy nếu tôi muốn một máy Wii với 2 máy điều khiển thì tổng cộng là 120 đô hả?

Yes, that is correct.
Vâng, đúng vậy.

Use "Imitation" Technique To Improve Your English Speaking Fast

Some mistakes in learning English

Mistake #1: Spending too much time on easy English lessons

Mistake #2: Trying to improve my speaking by talking about random things (to myself)

Mistake #3: Trying to improve my speaking using too many methods.

"At the time, I had always been upset with English teachers on the Internet. Most of them were not sharing anything worthwhile. They tended to give students mediocre advice:

  • They’d tell you, “try to speak English as much as possible” or “practice every day,” but they didn’t tell you what to do if you have on one to talk to. (They actually didn’t know how.)
  • They’d tell you, “don’t be afraid to make mistakes,” but they didn’t tell you how to practice in a way that you will make fewer and fewer mistakes over time. (They didn’t know it.)
  • They’d tell you, “just be confident,” but they didn’t give you any concrete plan for improving your English so that you can speak confidently. (They didn’t have one.)

The problem with these pieces of advice is that they aren’t very actionable. There’s no step-by-step strategy, no framework, no plan. The advice might “seem” to be useful. But in reality, it’s simply a total waste of time."


My comment:

I found myself I should join a course that can implement the above advice.
- The lessons should be improved time by time and level by level.
- Each days I should learn new things but not too much.
- Be patient the method that I have chosen because it was such suitable for me.

iziEnglish Training 26.09.2015

1. Practice mouth and tongue
2. Practice pronunciation: syllable word and multi-syllable word
3. Practice intonation